Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education – Class of 2016 Send-Off


This event is sold out. Thank you for registering in such large numbers!


You’ve studied so hard to earn your degree from the University of Ottawa.

Now it’s time to celebrate your achievement!

The University of Ottawa Alumni Association, The Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Education invite you to a special reception for the Class of 2016.

Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education – Class of 2016 Send-Off

Date: Saturday, June 18, 2016
Time: Reception: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

- A light lunch will be provided. A toast and well wishes to the Class of 2016 will take place at around 12:15 p.m.

Location: Alex Trebek Alumni Hall
157 Séraphin-Marion Street – University of Ottawa

Access to Alex Trebek Alumni Hall: Please note that the infrastructure updates are in progress beneath Séraphin Marion street. You may enter the building on the East side of the hall, at the corner of Cumberland and Wilbrod street.

Parking: The University’s outdoor parking lots and the Desmarais and Mann garages only are available free of charge during convocation. If you choose to park on campus, you should allow 10 to 15 minutes for the short walk to the NAC.

Saying farewell is never easy, so we’d like to say “see you soon”. You’re about to join a community of more than 200,000 uOttawa alumni around the world. It’s time to start your second chapter with the University of Ottawa!

Space is limited. Register now!


For more information, please contact one of the organizer below:
Faculty of Arts – Mireille Piché, mireille.piche@uOttawa.ca, 613-562-5800 x 2489
Faculty of Education – Anne-Sophie Ducellier, anne-sophie.ducellier@uOttawa.ca, 613-562-5800 x 4941

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