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Crowd of people wearing garnet and grey.

2017 Panda Game and pre-party

The Gee-Gees football team, the Alumni Relations Office, and the 1881 Gee-Gees Football Alumni Association are once again offering alumni a package deal to cheer on our Garnet and Grey! And you won’t want to miss the exclusive pre-game party before the gridiron battle between the uOttawa Gee-Gees and the Carleton Ravens! Let's join forces to bring Pedro the Panda back to uOttawa!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Official uOttawa Pre-Game Party
Location: Aberdeen Pavilion – Lansdowne Park, 1000 Exhibition Way, Ottawa

1 p.m.: 2017 Panda Game Kick-Off
Location: TD Place Stadium (South Side) – 1015 Bank Street, Ottawa

Package details and prices

Alumni and Friends Package(includes Pre-Game Party and one Panda Game seat in alumni section) - $60:

  • one 2017 Panda Game Club Seat section ticket
  • admission to the Official uOttawa Pre-Game Party
  • one ticket for a pre-game meal (includes a beer or soft drink)
  • special prices for pre-game drinks
  • entertainment, photos with the Gee-Gees mascot, and much more!

Student Package (includes Pre-Game Party and one Panda Game seat in student section) - $30: Sold out

  • one 2017 Panda Game student section ticket
  • admission to the Official uOttawa Pre-Game Party
  • one ticket for a pre-game meal and soft drink (beer not included)
  • special prices for pre-game drinks
  • entertainment, photos with the Gee-Gees mascot, and much more!

Please note: To ensure that you sit near a specific individual or group, such as parents who wish to sit near their children, you must purchase all the group’s tickets in a single transaction.

Pre-game party only (does not include a ticket to the Panda Game) - $25:

Those uOttawa alumni and friends who have already purchased a ticket for the 2017 Panda Game can purchase a ticket for the Official uOttawa Pre-Game Party for $25, which includes a pre-game meal and a beer or soft drink.

About the Panda Game

Since its inception in 1955, the Panda Game, named after "Pedro the Panda," originally a stuffed Panda Bear mascot turned trophy, has caught the imagination of the entire city as Pandanappings and other Pandashenanigans made headlines and added to the lore. The excitement and drama on the gridiron and in the stands draws alumni and students from across the province. The game was dormant from 1998 until 2013, when the Ravens football program was revived, and now the game will be played on its traditional turf at Lansdowne. Last year’s Panda Game may not have gone the way Gee-Gees fans hoped, but this year, the Gee-Gees are back for revenge! You won’t want to miss cheering on our Gee-Gees when they make history by bringing Pedro the Panda back to uOttawa for the 34th time.

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